Monday, December 30, 2019
Stereotypical Images And Old Brickwork Courts Law Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2478 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court was very much the stereotypical image of a court, complete with the old brickwork, the large courtrooms with lots of polished wood, and of course, the gowns and the wigs. In comparison, Manchesters Civil Justice Centre was much more modern, consisting of lots of glass and lots of floors. Although in the civil court it was only possible to view small claims trials, in the crown court, it was possible to observe part of a trial with a jury (the defendant was accused of engaging in sexual acts with a minor) and a case of assault which ended with a plea-bargain. Here, both courts will be considered for their differences and similarities, to try and find out how accurate perceptions of the law are. Two observations stood out in the Crown Court; firstly, the number of staff involved both in and behind the scenes of the proceedings. Although in every case, there will be a judge, solicitors or barristers (in some cases both) and i n certain circumstances a jury, the court room is a much busier place than first envisioned. For example, there will be the clerks of the court keeping the procedure running smoothly (e.g. escorting the jury in, swearing in witnesses) and there will be the security officer (who will escort the defendant in and out of the courtroom when required), as well as other staff members who keep the process going. Before the Judge is called, and the court is in session, there are constantly people walking in and out of the courtroom, usually counsel or other members of the court; sometimes a change of plea is issued at the last minute, and a scheduled trial by jury no longer takes place, or the court staff are confirming details of the case. Indeed, among the staff that dont constitute as counsel or the judiciary, the upcoming case is often discussed, bringing everyone up to speed before the case is called into session. A court trial procedure isnt simply the job of the lawyers and the judge as common perceptions might have one believe. Secondly, there is a lot more waiting around than anticipated. Trials and hearings do not always take place in one sitting, and they do not even have to be completed on the same day. As aforementioned, more often that not (and certainly more often than initially believed), a scheduled trial will no longer take place, usually due to a change in plea. The case surrounding assault initially was going ahead as a jury trial, but just before the case was due to be called into session, the defendant changed his plea to guilty, which meant a trial was no longer needed. Lord Devlin once described the jury as the lamp that shows freedom livesà [1]à . However, in reality, very few cases are tried by a jury. Only a small minority of cases are ever brought to trial, of which even fewer are actually tried before a jury, and during the visits to the Crown Court (which as it is only represent 2% of criminal trialsà [2]à ), only one of the cases observed was brought before a jury. The jury itself in this instance could be considered as ethnically varied; although mostly white, there was (as far as could be seen) at least one juror from an ethnic minority, and the jury covered both genders in a roughly 2:3 male to female ratio. There was also a noticeable age variation among the jurors, from the estimated age of a university student to the estimated age of a pensioner. As a whole, the jury seemed to be quite involved in what they were doing. Some were paying close attention to the monitor to their left (at that time displaying video evidence) and others were taking notes. Of all the jurors, only the one who appeared to be a student seemed reluctant to be involved in the whole process. Although the way the judge directed the jury both at the beginning of the process and at the end wasnt observed, his instructions during the process were clear, helpful and authoritative, especially when setting up the video call an d when directing them as to the procedures during their break. Even though issues were discussed between the judge and the both counsels during the jurys absence, when they returned, the judge kept them informed of what had been said, keeping everyone organised and up-to-date. On the whole, in the Crown Court cases, most of the judges did fit with the stereotypical image in terms of age, gender and race: in all the cases observed, all were older white males, and all wore the traditional gowns and wigs anticipated by the public majority when in a court room. However, on the courts daily procedures listings, it was noticed that although the majority of judges were indeed male and of the ranking of Circuit Judge (supporting government statistics that 87.6% Circuit Judges are maleà [3]à ), there was a singular female judge listed (although she had the ranking of Recorder rather than Circuit Judge, where females only make up 13.68% of the totalà [4]à ). In a similar light, the re too were few judges from ethnic minorities, and those that there were from an ethnic minority had the status of a Recorder (6.02% of the total number of Recorders come from an ethnic minorityà [5]à ). In all, the judges in all the criminal trials and proceedings observed didnt appear to have become case-hardened and cynical as proponents of a jury-based system will have people believe. The judges seemed willing to keep an open mind throughout the case and were friendly to everyone both during the proceedings and the time in between. In a case of assault, when the judge was giving his final statements, he took a moment aside from the case to thank the defendants mother (the defendant was a black male teenager, seemingly conforming to stereotypes) for coming to the trial. He went on to explain then about how many similar cases hed tried and how often the family of the accused actually bothered to go to the proceedings, so he was glad that the mother would still support her s on. Although not strictly law related, this feature of this one trial was surprising and challenged common perceptions that judges are stereotypically harsh and unfeeling. This was especially the case with young offenders in specific circumstances in the case of assault, the defendant was initially defending himself from attack and took the defence too far. One of the most interesting aspects of the Crown Court was the use of video-calling to interview a witness. This was most likely due to the fact the material witness was a fourteen year old girl, who for various reasons could not be present within the courtroom itself. A video-monitor was situated near to the jury and another was situated in view of the whole court, and these were used to both hold the video-call and to observe video evidence. The judge himself was in control of the call, echoing his authority. This case also interesting due to the fact it shows how serious evidence is taken by the judge although only fourte en, the witness was still required to be sworn in and how important tangible evidence actually is for a criminal trial. Unlike the proceedings in the Crown Court, the proceedings in the Civil Court had a much more restricted access, mostly due to the nature of the cases. A vast majority of the cases brought before a Civil Court are family proceedings, which means they are conducted in private, and this restricted the number of cases available for viewing. As of April 27th 2009, the restriction on journalists who wished to attend family court hearings was lifted, allowing for more proceedings to be heard publicly, but they are not given automatic access to court documents and reporting restrictions still remain in place, including the total ban on reporting Children Act proceedings and hearings concerning the maintenance and upbringing of a childà [6]à , even if this means nothing to the public majority. In comparison, in the Crown Court, where the cases are of a criminal nat ure, there are no restrictions on members of the press being present during any trial or case, even if the case itself is not open to the rest of the publicà [7]à (which would only occur in cases of national security or cases of a highly sensitive nature). Out of the cases observed in the Civil Court, not one involved the use of a jury. Jury trials in civil courts are now very rare, and are restricted to cases of fraud, libel and slander, malicious prosecution and cases of false imprisonment. It too can be said that unlike in a magistrates or a crown court where their job is to determine the truth and validity of a case based on the evidence brought before them, in a civil court, their job is to base their decision on the balance of probabilities. During one of the small claims trials in the Civil Court, neither party had a fully qualified representative for their counsel. The defendant defended himself, and eventually lost the case partially on the basis that he didnt rea lly seem to understand the legal process (i.e. the procedure required for witness statements or how to ask witnesses questions that were actually relevant to his case) and as a consequence couldnt defend himself adequately. The judge constantly had to reiterate and qualify what he meant or what he was asking, which made the process much longer than maybe it needed to have been. In comparison, the claimant was in the process of taking the BVC and had previous experience within his company of similar cases, even if he wasnt yet qualified, and so had a much greater understanding of what was going on (he was able to include cases which constituted precedent for his argument and he understood how the whole process worked, such as addressing the judge and using the specific terminology). This seems to suggest that the case wasnt as understandable to a lay person as to someone who has some understanding of legal issues and terminology. In the Civil Court, there was a much greater use of precedent than in the Crown Court, supporting the prior observation that a civil case is decided on a balance of probabilities rather than on the basis of the validity of evidence presented (e.g. cases include Lumley v. Greenà [8]à , OBG Ltd v Allanà [9]à ). This isnt to say that evidence isnt used in a Civil Court or isnt equally as important, but it emphasised the extent to which a criminal trial is mostly based upon evidence which is unique to a certain case. A civil trial is different in that the specifics dont matter quite as much as the way similar cases have been settled in the past. The proceedings in the civil court were a much more continual process, or at least in the small claims trial the proceedings were more continuous. Whereas as aforementioned, the criminal trials involved a lot of sitting around, the cases in the civil court werent interrupted once, with the entire case laid out before the judge and then his decision being made at the end of the proceed ings (in one case, his decision to issue damages to be paid by the defendant). However, these small claims trials arent fully representative of all the proceedings in the civil court, despite making up a large percentage, and it must be acknowledged that proceedings in full trials of other matters may indeed have been much different. Indeed, whilst waiting for a small claims trial to come into session, many counsel were observed walking around the courthouse, dressed in the traditional gowns, so whilst there were no wigs or gowns in the small claims trial, this doesnt mean they arent used in a trial in a higher court. The same therefore can be said about the proceedings what goes on in a lower court in front of a district judge may not be the same as one in a High court. Similar to the Crown Court, the judge in the small claims trial was male, however didnt fit into the stereotypical image of a judge he was Asian, fairly young and didnt wear any of the traditional gowns. Unlike the Crown Court too, he was referred to as Sir rather than Your Honour, which implies that the proceedings in this type of court case are a lot less formal than perhaps in a criminal trial (e.g. the members of the court werent required to stand when the judge entered) or even a civil trial in a High Court. So although he could potentially be viewed as holding a lower rank, this is not due to his ethnicity a High Court Judge simply isnt required to sit in on such a minor issue and there was no way of determining the race of the other judges in session. In the same light, there was no way to determine whether or not there were any female judges in session, or their rank, simply due to the trials available to see. Despite this, there were plenty of female staff, usually in administrative roles or acting as counsel, most noticeable acting at the clerk of the court. However, unlike in the Crown Court, she left almost immediately, leaving very few people in the courtroom as proceedings unfolded. The organisation of the civil court seemed to be a bit lacking, with proceedings being held up due to a lack of judges being in attendance or simply because parties involved were still trying to settle before their case was brought into session. In the same manner, cases which are scheduled do not always go ahead as planned as a defendant in a criminal trial will change his plea, so too can parties in a civil trial settle before they go before a judge which meant there was a lot of waiting around for proceedings to begin. This seems counter to the claim that a civil courts principle objection is the avoidance of delay and the minimisation of delay if it cannot be avoided entirelyà [10]à , especially in light of the judges power to adjourn hearings at their discretion. In conclusion, many common perceptions surrounding court procedures are actually unfounded, both in the civil area and in the criminal. There are many more similarities in the different courts tha n originally perceived, but there are also some differences that were unexpected, such as the formalities of procedure and the amount of people actually involved in the different court processes. However, despite their similarities, the two types of court are very different in their nature (such as the types of cases they deal with) and these difference are obvious from watching the different proceedings. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Stereotypical Images And Old Brickwork Courts Law Essay" essay for you Create order
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Pollution Of China And Its Effects On The Environment
Science is developing everyday. There are numerous amounts of products coming out from the companies and being wasted everyday. Interesting fact is even though people are brilliant at making new products, but they do not have solution how they are going to do with the waste after being used. Most of the wastes are ship to developing countries in Asia. The major country would be China. Since China has 3rd largest land scale in whole world there are numerous amount of trash to be buried or burn. Also, there are a lot of companies around the world have factories in China, because they have cheap labor and huge land. Major company would be Apple, Omega watch, and other huge companies we know. Since china takes numerous amount of percentage of human population around the world there are food problems in China, which affects the sustainability in environment. Since there are numerous amounts of factories in China they produce carbon dioxide and other toxic chemicals in to the air and water , which most of the people know. However, not much of people know about the dust called ââ¬Å"yellow dustâ⬠. Yellow dust is a dust that is tinier then a human hair, which has been mixed with the sand from the dessert and toxic dust that is coming out from the factories. The yellow dust move itââ¬â¢s way from China to Korea, Japan, and even to United States. There are numerous amounts of effects to the environment and human. For environment yellow dust blocks the sunlight by covering up the plantââ¬â¢s leaves.Show MoreRelatedA Major Area China s Air Pollution Effects On The Environment1568 Words à |à 7 Pages A major area China s air pollution effects is the environment. With this in mind a way the pollution damages the environment is through acid rain (Air pollution in China). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Introduction to Marketing M1 and D1 Free Essays
Introduction to Marketing ââ¬â Comparing Marketing Techniques in HMeting Techniques in Hollister and Primark For this assignment I was meant to write about Primark and Hollister. I am still basing part of my assignment on Primark. But, I have changed Hollister to H M as I was unable to find any information on Hollister The information I found on Hollister the background I couldnââ¬â¢t find anything about aims and objectives and how Hollister market the business. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Marketing M1 and D1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The information I found on Hollister Hollister is an American lifestyle brand. The concept of Hollister was originally designed to attract customers between the ages of 14 to 18 as there prices are lower than the parent brand. Hollister clothing line was inspired by the parent brand SoCal. Hollister products are available in store across the world and online. Hollister was the second most preferred clothing on a list West Coast companies in 2008. The businesses I have chosen for this assignment are Primark and HM. HM Primark is an Irish clothing retailer, in Ireland Primark is known as Penneys. Primark have different store all around the world such as Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands United Kingdom and Belgium. Primarkââ¬â¢s main headquarters are in Dublin. Primark first opened in 1969 on Mary Street in Dublin. Primarkââ¬â¢s mission statement: ââ¬Å"To supply quality clothing at prices perceived to offer real value. â⬠Primarkââ¬â¢s aims and objectives are: * To provide good quality products to customers. Primark want customers to know that they are an excellent company which provide good products for low prices. Primark achieve this by doing tests on their clothing and product to examine the quality of the goods they sell. Profit Maximisation * To sell products and clothing at reasonable prices. Primark want their customers to have a variety of clothing and product at suitable prices. Primark well achieve this aim by looking at what other high street store are selling and make their prices lower so they stay ahead of their competition. * To be helpf ul and friendly to customers and other employees. The customer of Primark like the atmosphere at Primark and service given this well make them to come back so therefore Primark well gain repeat customers. Primark will achieve this by greeting the customer as they walk in. By doing this Primark employees create an excellent atmosphere for customers as the greeting makes them feel welcome. * To treat everyone the same. A customer at Primark needs to feel that they are treated the same as any other customer at Primark. If a customer feel they are being treated differently to someone else they are more likely to shop somewhere else so therefore Primark well lose customers because the customer who thinks they were treated unfairly will tell their family and friends about their experience at Primark so word of mouth well have an impact on Primark. H Mââ¬â¢s mission statement: The aims and objectives of H M are: HM aims: * To show appreciation. * To encourage long-term commitment. * To promote future recruitment. * To strengthen HM as an attractive employer. HM have three mean marketing objectives the three objectives are: * To make the HM brand name more well known by doing more promotion example more advertising. The HM brand need to be more outstandingly outside of significant cities. In the USA more people are unaware of what HM offer. So to gain more customers and beat their competitors HM are advertising the brand in different way compared to their competition example HM membership. If you are a member of HM you can get text messages and email informing customers about the newest product HM have. The HM brand need to be well known as the more people know about the brand, the easier it is to expand such as more stores in more countries. * To focus on the fact which HMââ¬â¢s regular sale prices are usually lower than their competitors. The second objective of HM is to focus a percentage of the advertising to the fact that HM average sale prices are more regularly lower than their competition. HM rely on nonstop focus on cutting cost. Also the officials in HM buy the materials as cheaply as possible; HM also need to keep their overheads low. All the advertisements focusing on HMââ¬â¢s low price but good quality products. This helps keeps the HMââ¬â¢s brand image in a positive light among their teenage customers while still stating that they are good value for money. To use economic slowdown as a possibility to expand by obtaining more low ââ¬â cost venue and prepare for future economic growth. HM want to expand in the USA by securing low cost venues. As the economic property market gets worse HM which leases itââ¬â¢s will find it more straightforward acquiring prime locations at excellent period. This will give HM an advantage when the property market picks back up. HM use the opportunity to expand to l ow ââ¬â priced venues for the future climb in the brand There are similarities in the way Primark and HM market their products for example jeans. Primark market their new collection of jean on the internet by having ââ¬Å"pop upâ⬠advertisements on line for example on if you have an email contact sometimes there are advisements. HM advertise the same way as Primark but they also have television advertisements advertising for example a new pair of jeans. Also if youââ¬â¢re a member of the HM you get emails to your email address informing the receiver about any new collections. Primark do give got leaflet or fashion books with the seasonââ¬â¢s current fashion in which can be found at the store. HM do give their customer leaflets and booklets informing them of the season current fashion which HM sell in store. For example the leaflet or booklet could be about all the different types of jeans HM sell. It is also type advertising. If Primark were to give their customers leaflets and booklets they would gain more customers. HM do competitions but HM customers are only allowed to enter the completion once they have spent a certain amount of money at their store or on line. Primark donââ¬â¢t do competitions as their purpose is to gain customers by selling products cheaply. HM give out vouchers to their customer and also do discounts at the end of season on their clothing this is a great marketing strategy because the customer knows that HM want to make a profit but they also take the customers The two marketing tools Primark and HM use are Market Penetration and Market Development. Market penetration is used in Primark and HM. For example Primark and HM sell clothing such as jeans tops dress coats jackets e. . which are existing products to existing markets. Using market penetration is a marketing strategy which the aim is that Primark and HM Primark and HM both use market development because the aim of market development is to sell existing products into new markets. Primark and HM have opened store around the world. HM also distribute clothing in different ways. Example they have an order before 3pm and you get the product you ordered the next day. You can also order online and collect at the store which is local to you. Market development is a dangerous strategy compared to market penetration because market development target new customers and markets. To conclude this report I think that branding and (something else) are need in Primark and H M in order for the business to be successful. Marking strategies are key in business in order to give the business structure. Introduction to Marketing ââ¬â The Effectiveness of Marketing Techniques used by HM Market penetration are customer know purchase a product. For example if someone was to purchase a limted edtion Anna Dello Russa at HM . The market would be people in the UK who like limted edtion Anna Dello Russa at HM. HM would grow by the rising number of people in the market who have bought the dress at HM. Market development is when a business sells an existing product to new markets such as new customers. So in the example of the a limted edtion Anna Dello Russa at HM. HM could sell limted edtion Anna Dello Russa Rangein America. The product wouldnââ¬â¢t have changed, the prouct is just being sold to a different market to different customers. One of the advantages of using market penetration is that HM would offer lower prices for a specified period to attract new customers. The customers might not respond when the normal price returns. But during that period they will get more customers. A disadvantage of using market penetration is that it could result in reduced profitability. As when using market penetration HM reduce pricing meaning they may result in profits being low. If HM were to launch a new range the result in sales may not cover the adversiting coasts and distribution costs. As market penetration seeks to achieve four main objectives what are: * To maintain the market share of current products. * Secure dominance of growth markets. * Restructure a mature market by driving out competitors. * Increase usage by existing customers. The advantage market penetration is that it can be achieved by a combination of competitive pricing strategies, advertising, sales promotion and personal shopper. HM do all of the strategies listed above they adviste on telvision and online and in local area by posters. For the more high end people they even offer a personal shopper service. HM use market penetration to adviste the business to make it more known for example when HM advertise they are letting there customers know what products they are selling HM uses another objective of the market penetration to their advantage by increase usage by existing customers by having a loyalty scheme. HM offer a store card to their customers when their customers use the store card they get discounts on certain products in the shop. * It identifies what customers want. Market development indenties what customers want. Market development is the name given to a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets. There are many possible ways of approaching this strategy, including: * New geographical markets; for example exporting the product to a new country * New product dimensions or packaging: for example New distribution channels (e. g. moving from selling via retail to selling using e-commerce and mail order) * Different pricing policies to attract different customers or create new market segments Market development is a more risky strategy than market penetration because of the targeting of new markets. The advantage of using market development is that HM sell products such as clothing that all ready exists to new customers/ markets. Another advantage of market development is that HM are selling clothing to new customers in different countries. The disadvange of doing this is that ecomic changes can happen in the countries which HM have expand to meaning that they will therefore may lose money and their share holders divident can go down. The disadvange of using market development is that it is risker than using market penetration. The reseach I did to come to the conclusion I have made can be found on these websites and in the books listed below: Bevan, John; Coupland-Smith, Helen; Dransfield, Rob. BTEC Level 3 National Business, Book 1. http://www. penetrating. net/ http://www. s-m-i. net/pdf/Business%20strategyntro. pdf How to cite Introduction to Marketing M1 and D1, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Black Veil Brides Crtique free essay sample
The powering licks, guitar solos and harmonies by guitarists Jake Pits and Jinx are powerful crowd rising, something reminiscent of Motley Crye and KISS (their main influences). Set The World on Fire had me running through my house air guitar-ins and pretending was playing a sold out arena. It is a much more confident and dominating sound than their first record We Stitch These Wounds. With the addition of new Drummer Christian C. C. Coma, the band grows a lot more than on the first record. The beat is more loud and crazy.They won Best New Band at this years Golden God Awards and Best International Newcomer Kerning Awards. Upon accepting his lifetime achievement award rock legend Alice Cooper (of Alice Cooper Band) shouted them out for keeping rock theatrical, having a strong image, and entertaining fans in a way that has been missing in rock for over 20 years. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Veil Brides Crtique or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The band sets a new standard for themselves with this record and fans should not expect anything less than this quality after this record. Set the World on Fire is sure to please fans and extend the bands growing base even further.
Friday, November 29, 2019
102 Prejudice and Monsters Professor Ramos Blog
102 Prejudice and Monsters Prejudice Prejudice What is prejudice? Prejudice à preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. What monster theory can help us better understand prejudice? What one do you see as connected to it? Why does this matter? Superficial vs. Deep Thinking What is the difference? Superficial research vs. Deep Research
Monday, November 25, 2019
Stem cell tech essays
Stem cell tech essays Dr. James Thomson, and Dr. John Gearhart Human first cultured embryonic stem cells in 1998. Studies done on test animals indicated that it may be possible to manipulate stem cells to produce certain desired cells. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that are the building blocks for all other specialized cells. Stem cells fall into two different categories Pluripotent, and Multipotent. Pluripotent cells are embryonic stem cells, they bring about the bases for many different types of cells. From the pluripotent stem cells, multipotent stem cells are produced, which are more specialized. This process continues and the cells become more specialized until they become specific cells of the body. This technology will be very beneficial to human kind because, when mastered, entire organs could be gown to replace damaged ones. Dr. Thomson obtained embryos from In Vitro Fertilization clinics and isolated the inner cell mass of the embryos at the while they were in the blastocyst stage. He then cultured the isolated cell mass. Dr. Gearhart obtained his cells differently. Dr. Gearhart used fetal tissue from terminated pregnancies specifically he used the cells of the fetus that were going to be the reproductive organs. Using the cultured cells, and an egg cell that has had it nucleus removed, researchers then fused the two. The results of this procedure is a cell with the potential to develop into a fully functional organism. Soon it will be possible to repair or replace damaged organs using stem cell technology. Using samples from the person with the damaged organ the genetic material would be removed and injected into donated human eggs (from which the chromosomes have been removed). These altered cells are grown in a lab, where they develop into embryos that can be cultured to make embryonic stem cells, from which new organ cells can be produced. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Nature and Effects of the Emergence of 'Globalisation' as a Essay
The Nature and Effects of the Emergence of 'Globalisation' as a Feature of the World Economy over the Last 30 Years - Essay Example So what does globalization really mean to the overall world economies in general and what are the real reasons for the increased expansion and global integration of the financial and the general goods and service markets? The concept of globalization is not a new one, with individuals, from scholars, politicians and economists having different viewpoints as to the reasons for globalization as well as the positive and negative consequences of increased economic and industrial integration. Even during the 1960ââ¬â¢s and 70ââ¬â¢s multinational corporations started to shift their long term operational focus from a domestic to a global operational infrastructure (Colander, 2002).The were a lot of reasons that contributed to the paradigm shift that help drive the globalization of our manufacturing and service infrastructures as well as our financial and monetary systems. Advances in transportation methods such as cheaper air transport made it economically feasible for corporations to transport goods quite quickly and affordably. Starting in the 1980ââ¬â¢s, the personal computer has created a revolution in the way business and individuals interact with each other and it has provided cheaper data processing and storage costs. It has increased worker productivity and operational efficiency for all businesses in general. Coupled with the advent of the internet the computer with its inherent functionality of quickly being able to share technical information, ideas and the ability for a team of individuals to be able to cooperate and share information, solutions and ideas seamlessly from different corners of the world has simply revolutionized the way we do business, especially with the wider availability of broadband services starting in the 1990ââ¬â¢s (Emilian, Marcel, Hurduzeu, Vlad, 2011). The computer age, technological and communication advances have allowed multinational corporations and nations to expand their economies to more easily integrate themselv es to the global trade and financial markets therefore benefiting from increased economic prosperity for many previously underdeveloped economies. The increased trade has allowed unprecedented levels of economic growth for many of the countries that have successfully positioned themselves in the global arena (Imf, 2008). The ability for a company to choose to operate out of any country is a very important aspect of globalization, where an organization can choose among many nations to source its materials, manufacturing and headquarters and therefore has shifted the industrial operational structure towards one driven by efficiency and profitability instead of national barriers. The nullification of previous import tariffs and general protectionism previously played by many countries has played an important part in the globalization of economic trade by decreasing the amount of tariffs and other obstacles in the international trade of goods and services. It has become a driving factor in the advent of economic and financial globalization. The minimization of trade barriers was created with the idea of optimizing trade, financial flows and providing the maximum level of opportunity for economic benefits to the participating corporations and international economies in a bid to drive a general economic shift to a more fully integrated globalize trade
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How can English Government Gain Trust Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
How can English Government Gain Trust - Article Example According to the reportà in the view of many scholars it is the prime duty of the government to gain an adequate level of public trust because governmental bodies are fundamentally supposed to guard the interest of people. If the general public has not been able to trust government officials anymore then it simply means that government has failed in terms of representing interests of the public. However it is also important to note that ordinary people cannot decipher the level of governmentââ¬â¢s ability to fulfill public interest and therefore the duty of evaluating governmental machineryââ¬â¢s tendency to serve the public lies with political analysts, writers and other intellectual persons such as religious scholars.à This paper outlines thatà the prevailing law and order situation in the society is considered as an effective measure of governmentââ¬â¢s power to protect public interests. Moreover the financial well-being of each and every citizen can also be taken a s a mean of determining governmental effectiveness. Additionally citizens trust those governments that provide them with state of the art medical services at an affordable price.à The governmental bodies can do that by bettering the overall law and order situation of the society and it is also expected to sponsor sporting musical and cultural events in a particular society.à The e-mechanism causes the problems of people to resolve quickly that fosters trust and respect for the government.... Additionally citizens trust those governments that provide them with state of the art medical services at an affordable price. Based on the above argument government can win public trust by offering an ample amount of job and business opportunities while it has to provide healthcare and safety services as well. According to Offe the governments should work towards providing the citizens with a fulfilling life (42). The governmental bodies can do that by bettering the overall law and order si tuation of the society and it is also expected to sponsor sporting musical and cultural events in a particular society. Levi added that the role of government in terms of releasing the citizens from a job and work stress is a significant indicator of growing social activities in the community (6). Silcock identified electronic form of government as an ideal way of providing public services because in this way the governmental issues are run with the help of computerized and automated system. The e-mechanism causes the problems of people to resolve quickly that fosters trust and respect for the government (88). According to Wang and Wart the governments that involve citizens in the decision making process will reap more trust than those that follow an authoritative style of governance (268). Thus the decentralized chain of command can really help the government in fostering trust within people. Nevertheless it is interesting to know that those governments that follow the raw public o pinion in order to devise policies tend to fail because the mere public viewpoint is a crude way of policy development. The governments are suggested to invite the opinion of experts before making critical decisions.Ã
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Significance of Wilson v UK [2002] IRLR 568 Essay
The Significance of Wilson v UK [2002] IRLR 568 - Essay Example Respecting the right of association implies that governments need to ensure that its individual members of the public freely come together to express, defend and pursue unified goals and interest (Gross & Compa, 2009.p124) As such public authorities are refrained from interfering with individualââ¬â¢s right to assemble and associate. It is noteworthy that freedom of association goes beyond coming together for a common good taking into consideration that it also recognized joining associations aimed at attaining a specified goal. Freedom of association is recognized both locally and internationally in the context of industrial relation. Employees have been granted the freedom to assemble and associate for common interest in respect to the terms and condition of employment. This means that workers have the right to join trade unions and collectively bargain. According to Novitz (2002. P 176) this right is recognized by two vital conventions C 87 and C98 of the International Labour O rganization (ILO). This means that any action or inaction by the employer aimed at discouraging employees from joining trade unions is tantamount to infringement of the Freedom of association and as such is illegal. ... This claim can be justified by the enactment of the ââ¬Å"Ullswater amendmentâ⬠. This legislation was put in place by the Conservative government to limit operations of trade union activities Barnard, Deakin, & Morris, 2004. P150). Regulation of industrial relation by the UK government can be considered a breach on the ILO standards and ECHR conventions in three perspectives. First the regulations does not make necessary provisions for rights to participate in industrial action, secondly it does not protect organizers and participants in collective bargaining( Hepple 2005.p23) Finally the regulations places unreasonable constrains on the autonomy of trade unions, which is categorically granted to individual employees under Article 11 and 3 of the ECHR and ILO No.87 respectively. The case Wilson v United Kingdom case, which would later bring about far reaching consequences on the British labour laws after several year of court battle involved discrimination of an employee becaus e of his stand on trade union (English, 2011). Dave Wilson was an employee of an Associated Newspaper at the Daily Mail. Wilson was denied 4.5% salary increase because he refused to denounce membership of National Union of Journalists (NUJ) (Thompsons Solicitors, 2012). The condition for pay hike was that the entire team of journalists had to give up their right to the terms and condition put in place by the collective bargain. The aim of the management was to discourage participation industrial action. Wilson refused to sign the contract offered by his employer whereby he ended up losing on the pay incentive. Wilson through his lawyer later filed an application by the courts protesting action of his employer. Significance of the ECHR ruling It is no
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Early Stage Of Dementia
Early Stage Of Dementia Dementia is a common disease in the geriatric population but can also be noticed in any stage of adulthood. In a study issued by European researchers, it is estimated that about 35 million people have dementia worldwide. It is called a syndrome because it involves a serious of signs and symptoms. It is a non-specific clinical syndrome caused by a wide variety of diseases or injuries that affect the brain. Due to alarming increase of number of dementia cases in elderly people, need for extensive research on appropriate care for the elderly dementia patients arises. Nursing home is considered as embodied institution mean to provide constant care. In order to study if the nursing home is the most appropriate care environment for older person diagnosed with dementia, an extensive literature search was performed in accordance to Oxford Brookes style. 10 articles were obtained as a result of extensive literature search after incorporating inclusion and exclusion criterion arising due to the personal need. The results are categorised in to four main themes which are as follows: The facilities and care available at a nursing home. Is multidisciplinary approach essential? Care received in nursing home vs. home care. Impact of elderly people joining nursing home at an early stage. Importance of nursing home in elderly patients in the early stage of dementia After applying CASP tool to all the articles, Careful analysis was done to draw the discussion. Basing on the discussion, nursing home is considered as the most appropriate care environment for elderly patient diagnosed with dementia. Recommendations are proposed on the basis of conclusions and implications of my research in the future are mentioned. INTRODUCTION: Dementia: Dementia is defined as a medical condition which is characterised by loss of cognitive ability which is caused either due to normal aging or any kind of sudden impairment (Berrios, 1987). It is also described as non specific illness causing set of symptoms affecting memory, language, attention and problem solving regions of the cognitive region of the brain (Calleo and Stanley, 2008). Dementia could be either static, caused due to injury of the brain affecting the cognitive area or progressive (slowly progressive and rapidly progressive) resulting in damage of the brain. Although the disease is seen commonly in elderly patients, it occurs at every stage of adulthood (Berrios, 1987).During initial stages of dementia; all the higher mental functions are affected leading to confusion, forgetfulness leading to gradual progression (Gleason, 2003). In aged people, the experience of dementia is worse due to pain and ill health. These symptoms lead to problems associated with ambulation, mood swings, depression, disturbances in sleep pattern, decreased appetite and slowness in activity (Gleason, 2003). Caring People suffering from dementia: During the initial symptoms, the patient is taken care by the family members and relatives. They ensure the patient that the process is normal with aging which makes their lifestyle a bit easy (Algase, 1996). A person suffering from dementia is shifted to a nursing home due to unavoidable circumstances like absence of carers, hectic life schedule and excessive progression of disease, expensive treatment (Weinberger et al., 1993). Nursing home is defined as a place of residence for patients needing continuous support. Nursing home is chosen in many circumstances as mentioned by Weinberger and coworkers. According to him, the need of skilled nursing care, physical intervention and close understanding of the patient play an important role. Along with continuous care, patients in countries like Ireland, United Kingdom and Wales also receive assistance from physical, occupational, speech therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists to look after the necessities (Kristine et al., 2002). Emergency management is also provided as an essential part of treatment which forms an added advantage. The most important responsibility of the nursing home is elderly care which provides the patients with all the basic services like assistance in living, day care and long term care (Kristine et al., 2002). The Nursing home acts as a caring unit for many dementia patients at various stages of dementia. The quality of nursing home varies and is most important variable in determining efficiency (Kristine et al., 2002).The qualification, knowledge and responsibility of the carers or staff in charge and presence of physicians to monitor health condition of the patient play an important role (Kristine et al., 2002). Although efficiency of care is expected, there are many disadvantages associated with the nursing homes. The patient initially shows signs of disagreement to shift to a nursing home but may agree when explained. The chances of forgetfulness in these issues are also more which could cause agitation after joining (Algase, 1996). The initial adjustment of the patient towards the new atmosphere may create more confusion and deteriorate the health condition which is a major drawback (Steele et al, 1990). The cost of the nursing home and nursing staff is unaffordable by many of the patients which worsen the situation (Kristine et al., 2002). The extent of care and the support of family members play a vital part in influencing treatment. In particular situations like impaired mobility and disability or in cases where elder people are declared as mentally and physically incompetent, care in the nursing home remains as the best factor to increase longetivity of the patients (Steele et al, 199 0). The purpose of this paper is to review various national, International scientific journals and articles which seek to address on Appropriate care of elderly patients diagnosed with early stage of dementia. The intention of the present paper is to provide a suitable answer to the research question; Is the nursing home an appropriate environment for an older adult diagnosed with early stage dementia? To answer the question extensive study on literature search and study was performed. The literature review covered numerous journals, policies, and papers which examined the issues on care provided to the elderly patients in early stage of dementia. The reviews include thorough analysis of elderly dementia patients, forms of care available to them and to examine the best suitable care to improve the health condition of these patients. The present research will evaluate available data on nursing home as perfect environment for caring these kinds of patients. The review elaborates on the exp ectations of the patients and relatives towards care and the attempt of health professionals to live up to the expectations of them. The review also highlights the difference between care obtained in the home and a typical nursing home. It throws light on advantages and disadvantages of care given in nursing homes and these factors are considered later to draw conclusions on the most appropriate environment to care for elderly dementia patients. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the research paper is to investigate the literature on qualitative, quantitative and mixed experimental approaches on proper care of elderly patients. These inferences would form the basis for understanding if the nursing home is the most appropriate place for caring dementia patients. METHODOLOGY: In order to concentrate on the objectives of the study, extensive literature exploration was performed. Aà literature reviewà is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic (Aveyard, 2007). Literature review was considered as a best source of research methodology because of time constraint and lack of ethical considerations to perform primary research. Literature review focuses on primary research done in various clinical circumstances. The other advantage is possibility of comparative study among various qualitative, quantitative and mixed primary researches across the world (Aveyard, 2007). During my study on the available literature, various situations experienced by dementia patients in nursing homes were studied. Ideas about circumstances experienced by the elderly patients in nursing homes were identified. Some of the papers focus on style of practice in nursing home and some of them focus on the attitude of patients towards nursing care. There were many controversies identified according to different perspectives of authors. Through these studies, an idea about the best suitable place of care for elderly patients at early stage of dementia could be conveyed. Research process: The process of research involved organized and vigilant consideration of literature suitable for my research work. The PICO model to formulate a question as suggested by Johnson and Fineout (2005) and by Stone 2002 cited in Gerrish and Lacey, 2010 is shown in the appendix 1 of the present research work. The model gives a simpler representation of the present research work. The four main terms which were used as a part of my literature search included dementia, elderly patients, quality care and nursing home. While using these terms care was taken to use them in combination rather than using singularly which would widen the research area of expertise. The list of search terms and the keyword identification table as suggested by Aveyard and Sharp (2009) is given in the appendix 2a and 2b respectively of the present investigation report. While considering the term dementia, early stage was emphasised in particular to refine my search. In addition to early stage, another term, elderly patients were also used to avoid searching among all the age groups. The term used for search looked like presented below: Dementia OR Alzheimer* OR memory loss and early stage The Boolean operator and was used in between these terms to ensure that research of literature included these three words in combination. In cases of excluding Boolean operator, the research resulted in articles including primary research of dementia at all stages among all age groups. The other important search term was concerned with the age of the patient which was mainly confined to elderly patients. The parameters used included Boolean operator and. The phrase was as follows: Older person OR Elderly OR older adult The other term used in conjugation in the research term included quality care. As quality care is considered as a wide term, a Boolean operator or and truncation symbol, star *was used to enable thorough research without exclusion of any important article or journal. The term entered was presented as below: Quality care * or appropriate care* or concern or caring* or wellbeing or well-being The use of Boolean operator and truncation symbol ensured non omission of important articles containing synonyms or differently presented words. The final term used in literature search was nursing home. Since my research focuses to study the most appropriate care environment for elderly dementia patients at early stage, this final term was used separately. The terms used in comparison included: Nursing home and care home* or residence* In this particular context, nursing home and care home are considered in comparison with residence of the patient. To enable the results to be confined to single term, the Boolean operator, or was used. The operator and was used to search results including both, nursing homes and care homes. The truncation symbol star was used to include articles with words displayed in alternative formats. The final research phrase for search looked as displayed below: Dementia OR Alzheimer* OR memory loss and early stage AND Older person OR Elderly OR older adult AND Quality care * or appropriate care* or concern or caring* or wellbeing or well-being AND Nursing home and care home* or residence* The immediate course of action was to use these terms in appropriate databases, I was guided by the university library manuals of the Oxford Brookes to consider CINAHL, BRITISH NURSING INDEX and MEDLINE as most relevant databases for search. CINAHL deals mainly in Nursing and health care in North America and Europe (Oxford Brookes University, 2009). British Nursing Index includes journals and articles based on care and community health pertaining to nursing and midwifery (Oxford Brookes University, 2009). Medline (Pubmed) is a collection of articles on medicine and nursing compiled by the intervention of National Library of Medicine USA (Oxford Brookes University, 2009). When the entire research phrase was posed in CINAHL, it retrieved 332 articles. When the same research phrase was typed in MEDLINE, it retrieved 75 articles. Further refinement was done in the search by using limiters 20000101-20101231 and retrieved 57 and 54 articles respectively. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were used in particular to include time constraint which enabled to select most recent articles in the present decade. This included articles beginning from 2000 to present. Another inclusion criterion was the place which restricted the search results to the investigation done in the UK. The inclusion and exclusion criteria yielded 55 and 29 articles in CINAHL and MEDLINE respectively (The database searches and hits are shown in the appendix as suggested by Oxford Brookes University, 2011). To analyse the best suitable material to carry forward my research, four main principles as suggested by Aveyard (2007) were used, which included electronic searching, searching reference lists, hand searching of relevant journals and contacting authors directly. Out of all the suggested principles, the first three types were used as analytical tools in deciding best suitable literature. While choosing the primary research material, utmost care was taken to read through the abstract, findings and research methodology involved. This criterion was used for including or excluding the article for my research purpose. For some of the searches, hand searching was also used to obtain certain useful information on statistics in UK (shown in appendix 4). Due to time constraint in the research work, contacting health care professionals and conducting appropriate interviews could not be performed. As a result of the research methodology, 10 articles were found relevant to the context being investigated. The findings of the papers were thoroughly studied in order to answer the research question. Nursing home was considered to be an ideal place to take care of an elderly dementia patient in initial stage of the disorder. Critiquing my research methodology: There were many criticisms noticed following my research methodology. The main criticisms observed included the following: Inability to access all the journals in the databases as it required paid registration. Most of the websites which have excellent articles require a payment. I managed collect as many as articles I wanted to do answer this research question by login on Athens. It was beyond my finances to fund for all the articles. Lack of time to contact primary health care professionals to incorporate their views as a part of my research work. Lack of time to go through all the publications of a journal which resulted in referring to recent publications. Lack of much information in the title which would enable me to take appropriate decision regarding the content of article which resulted in reading the abstract in order to include article for research. Thus the major constraints of the present research article were identified to be cost and time. However, the freely available data obtained within the specified time were sufficient to draw conclusions to address the research question. For the entire 10 articles, critical appraisal skills programme, CASP (2006) tools were applied to draw the most relevant themes. The main themes identified are: The facilities and care available at a nursing home. Is multidisciplinary approach essential? Care received in nursing home vs. home care. Impact of elderly people joining nursing home at an early stage. Importance of nursing home in elderly patients in the early stage of dementia. RESULTS: The findings of the literature were categorized into main themes which made it easier to draw conclusions. The section depicts the investigation done in the 10 articles grouped together in accordance with the theme. Theme 1: The facilities and care available at a nursing home. Is multidisciplinary approach essential? Author, Year, Location Title Method/Study Results Comments 1. J. Cohen Mansfield and A.Parpura- Gill (2008). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Practice Style in the nursing home: Dimensions for assessment and quality improvement The investigation examined the operation style of the nursing home in terms of two main components which are the staff and institutional components. The four domains which served as tool to test the staff conduct included knowledge, proficiency of practice style, flexibility and individual care and communication. The three domains used to test the conduct of institution include support of staff, availability of resources and administration of policies. As a result of the investigation, key features of institutional factors and staff were studied and monitored. Based upon the need and demand, the features requiring change and improvement were noted to ensure quality of care. The investigation emphasises on the practice styles of the staff in a nursing home with respect to care provided. The research journal gives an insight of vivid styles of care provided within a nursing home which ensures quality of care. It focuses on the knowledge, communication, flexibility and understanding of the staff in taking appropriate care in elderly persons It also gives a note on changing style of practice to cope up with increasing demand. 2. E.Finemma et al., 2005. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. The effect of integrated emotion-oriented care versus usual care on elderly persons with dementia in the nursing home and on nursing assistants: a randomized clinical trial The investigation is based on randomised clinical trial of two groups of elderly dementia patients, measuring the effects at baseline after specific period of time. The study involved 146 numbers of elderly dementia patients and 99 numbers of nursing staff. The study was performed in 16 psycho geriatric wards located in 14 nursing homes located in the Netherlands. The primary research studied the difference between the usual care and Integrated emotion-oriented care. The nursing assistants were tested on the basis of care given. Positive effects were reportedly noticed in patients experiencing mild to moderate dementia in terms of portraying emotional balance and positive self image. Results also showed that training nursing staff resulted in less stress reactions increasing quality and patience. The investigation revealed that emotion based care showed increase performance in early stage dementia patients when compared to normal usual care. However, It did not show any eye catching increase in quality with regard to people suffering from severe dementia. The study also focuses in reduction of stress in well trained nursing staff. 3. D. Challis et al., 2000. Journal article from Age and Ageing. Dependency in older people recently admitted to care homes. The investigation was based on the study conducted among 308 elderly people aged over 65 in one of the nursing care home located in North west England. The study was conducted within two weeks of admission for people intending to continue treatment for long term. Barthel score and Crichton royal behaviour rating scale were used to analyse the dependency rates. On the basis of Barthel rating scale and Crichton royal behaviour rating scale, 50% of the population were showed to be measured in the low dependency scale (13-20).Out of them, 31% in case of nursing home and 71% in case of residential care homes. On the whole, dementia patients are not assessed primarily before admission into the nursing home. Studies revealed that there was lack of pre admission assessment and diagnosis before joining patients. This study throws light on lack of communication about the pre assessment and diagnostic information about the patients to the health care and nursing staff. Effective targeting of institutionalised resources is focussed with high importance. 4. Leontjevas et al., 2009. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease Other Dementias Apathy and Depressive Mood Symptoms in Early onset dementia. As a part of epidemiological study, patients were studied for symptoms of apathy and depressive mood in early onset of dementia. Studies were performed in 63 nursing homes. MADRS, NPI and MMSE scales were used to detect rate of depression and MDS-RAI and GDS were used to detect severity of dementia. Studies revealed that depressive mood disorders and apathy are not observed severely in cases of patients suffering from early onset dementia .The results noted were accounted as 14% in ADL, 13% in GDS and 9% in MMSE. The investigation reveals that the symptoms of mood depression and apathy are seen extensively in patients suffering with early onset of dementia when compared to elderly patients revealing the severity of aggression. Theme 2: Quality of care received in nursing home vs. home care. Author, Year, Location Title Method/Study Results COMMENTS 1. Ehrlich et al., 2006. Home health care management and practice Caring for the Frail Elderly in the Home: A Multidisciplinary Approach The study depends upon short portable mental status questionnaire proposed by Pfeiffer in 1975 to identify dementia in geriatric population. The test confines to recall and memory of short term and long term orientation. Additionally, evidence based practice is applied to screen patients with the disease. The screening methodology enabled identification of patients suffering with dementia. Interdisciplinary approach is applied to propose a model for caring elderly people in home atmosphere. The primary research article focussed on the major disorders affecting the elderly person which forms the basis of joining a nursing home for care. The interdisciplinary approach gives an idea about caring older patient from the most necessary syndromes to enable ease of treatment in the house without intervention of nursing home. 2. Milke et al., 2006. Journal of Applied Gerontology Meeting the Needs in Continuing Care of Facility-Based Residents Diagnosed With Dementia: Comparison of Ratings by Families, Direct Care Staff, and Other Staff The data was collected by sampling method in five different places including Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Pennsylvania and New York. A total of 184 elderly residents diagnosed with dementia and 197 nursing staff participated in the study. Suitably tailored questionnaires were distributed across the five sites among non direct care staff, family group, direct care group, licensed practical nurses. The results of the investigation provided the comparison of care between families, direct caregivers, and other staff and volunteers. It also gave an idea about extent of care needed by the residents by each class. The results provide comparison of care in nursing home and the care in the patients own house. The research work emphasizes on individual care provided by various groups like families, friends, licensed medical nurses, volunteers and other professional care givers. It gives a relation of trust and cooperation between the patient and care givers. It focuses on various negative aspects of care in the patients house created due to stress, pressure and miscommunication. The article gives insight on the advantages of care provided by professional care givers over the family members in terms of knowledge, patience and quality. Theme 3: Impact of elderly people joining nursing home at an early stage. Author, Year, Location Title Method/Study Results COMMENTS Connor et al., 1991. Papers from British Medical Journal Does early intervention reduce the number of elderly people with Dementia admitted to institutions for long term care? The investigation utilised seven general practice areas located in Cambridge in the form of controlled clinical trials. 2885 subjects aged over 75 diagnosed with dementia were involved. 159 subjects in the group were diagnosed with initial stage dementia, 86 of them required extra support and 73 of the subjects had access to usual services and acted as control. The research revealed that there was no direct contribution of early intervention to long term admission of patients in the nursing home. 9 out of 14 subjects who were living at home without support joined nursing home due to the extended facilities available. The investigation focussed on screening procedures of dementia to identify level of severity of the disorder in the patients. In certain patients, the severity is high requiring instant admission into nursing home and in some cases, support by family members would be sufficient. Evidences also record that early intervention of dementia would decrease the risk of severity in the disease. Theme 4: Importance of nursing home in elderly patients in the early stage of dementia. Author, Year, Location Title Method/Study Results COMMENTS 1. Voyer et al., 2005 Clinical effectiveness in nursing 2. Dettmore et al., 2009 Geriatric nursing Characteristics of institutionalized older patients with delirium newly admitted to an acute care hospital Aggression in Persons with Dementia: Use of Nursing Theory to Guide Clinical Practice The investigation involves cross sectional secondary analysis study of old patients in nursing homes and other health care units. Confusion assessment method was used to test patients with delirium upon their admission. The research work utilizes Need-driven Dementia- compromised Behavior (NDB) model to explain aggression in the individuals undergoing constant core in a nursing home. In the total of 104 patients suffering from cognitive impairment, 68% people were recorded to possess delirium. The MMSE scale was used to screen patients to test the presence of delirium. The major symptoms which were observed in all the patients were bowel incontinence, illness. The most uncommon symptom observed was hearing impairment which occurred rarely. Clinical management algorithm was framed in accordance with the NDB model to study the behavior of aggressive patients and frame a theory to take care of the patients in aggressive moods and to avoid repetition of the syndrome. The research emphasizes on the importance of nursing homes in providing care and offer screening of the disorder. The severity of cognitive impairment doesnt influence the preventive nursing interventions. Independent of the level of impairment, nursing care portrays important feature in improving the quality of patients requiring close care. The patients suffering with dementia undergo frequent episodes of aggressive beahvior making care by professional care givers difficult. The paper focusses on the proposal of clinical management algorithm which is based on ndb model to manage certain aggressive episodes of the patient. 3. Holliday-Welsch et al., 2009 Geriatric nursing Massage in the Management of Agitation in Nursing Home Residents with Cognitive Impairment The study was performed using subjects who are susceptible to agitation and aggrieve mood by nursing staff. The susceptible patients were selected by the use of minimum data set (MDS) report. The data collection was done during 3 days considered as base line, then the intervention followed up to another 6 days continued by follow up for the next few days. it was observed that Subjects agitation was lower during the intervention of massage Than at baseline and remains still low at follow-up. Wandering, verbally agitated, physically agitated and care resistance were proved to be decreased upon intervention of massage. In this study, the five aspects of agitation which are wandering, verbal agitation, physical agitation, abusiveness, socially inappropriate agitation, disruptive aggressiveness. At each of the observation, agitation was scored for five times. Massage is one of the non pharmacological interventions in these patients suffering from agitation. This could be used as an effective tool by nursing staff in eliciting quality care DISCUSSION: All the themes identified in the research play a suitable role in delivering the conclusion to provide a suitable answer for my research question. The themes are arranged sequentially to ultimately conclude upon appropriate care for elderly dementia patients at early stage of the disorder. Each of the 10 articles selected, carries an important examination which forms the basis for future implications in the nursing staff. The first theme based in my results is facilities and care available in nursing homes using a multidisciplinary approach. This particular theme identifies the importance of nursing home as an institutionalised care centre to exhibit support and care to all kinds of dementia patients. The study proposed by J. Cohen Mansfield and A.Parpura- Gill (2008) suggests the nomenclature involved in nursing homes including the care provided by the nursing staff. The paper focuses on the improvement of these facilities to improvise style of nursing home which ultimately determines the quality. He regards flexibility, knowledge, communication as an essential factor for influencing care by nursing professionals. Along with characteristics of the staff, he also focuses on certain institutional factors which serve as tool of improvement (Beck et al., 1999). The most important institutional factors include timing of care, alternatives of care, resident and family involvement (Porras, 1987; Kanter, 199 3). The frame work which is important for a nursing home is changed regularly on the basis of organizational and staffs needs to ensure implementing better system for staff especially in case of dementia, where there is a need of care specialist to monitor a group of care providers (Noelker and Harel, 2001). The investigation based by on the study of e. Finnema et al., 2005 portrays the role of emotion oriented care in the patients suffering from mild to moderate dementia in nursing homes. He describes the role of emotional oriented care in influencing body adaptation and balance of the dementia patient seen in early stages (Finnema et al., 2000). General health condition was also proved to improve especially in c
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
User Sampling Methods :: essays research papers
1à à à à à Sampling Methods When surveying, for any purpose, it is important to recognise that the results are only as representative as the survey subjects (the sample), and as such much academic research has been performed in to techniques for selection, broadly placing them in one of two categories ââ¬â probability sampling and non-probability sampling. In short, with probability sampling the participants are selected by chance. There are dozens of methods of selecting members, using a variety of mathematical techniques, but the key is that each subject has a random, calculable chance of being selected. There is no human intervention involved in the selection. Methodà à à à à Characteristics Simple (random) Samplingà à à à à The sample is selected entirely at random Stratifiedà à à à à The population is first divided in to exclusive subgroups based on some predetermined criteria (e.g. location), then samples are selected at random Proportionate Stratifiedà à à à à As above, but a smaller group that would otherwise not provide statistically valid results may be oversampled then the results weighted to correct for this. For example, if a particular group is too small to provide a statistically significant sample, more members of that group would be sampled Clusteringà à à à à The starting point for the sample is randomised, then assumes that the sample at that point is representative of the region. For example, selecting a street corner, interviewing the first 10 people, and assuming that they are representative of the area Table 2 - Probability Sampling Methods Non-probability samples, however, contain an element of human bias in the sample selection. Again, there are various methods for the selection, the most common of which are: Methodà à à à à Characteristics Quotaà à à à à Respondents are preselected to ensure that the sample is representative Purposiveà à à à à Subjects are selected as they have some specific characteristic, for example, hold a certain position or job type Convenienceà à à à à The sample is selected by availability Snowballingà à à à à Contacts provide information about other potential respondents Self-selectionà à à à à Respondents volunteer themselves for selection Judgementà à à à à An ââ¬Å"expertâ⬠uses his or her judgement to nominate people for sample Table 3 - Non-probability Sampling Methods Most samples use a combination of sample selection methods. For example, quota sampling is often used to ensure that a random sample is actually representative of the population. 2à à à à à Survey types There are three basic surveying techniques that are suitable for consideration in the project: â⬠¢Ã à à à à Interview â⬠¢Ã à à à à Telephone â⬠¢Ã à à à à Self Administered Survey 2.1à à à à à Interview (face to face) This category includes in-depth interviews, focus groups and projective methods (such as word association tests) which are not suitable for use in this project. There are several distinct advantages to this type of survey, such as: â⬠¢Ã à à à à Response rates tend to be higher than other methods â⬠¢Ã à à à à Ability to reassure the subject about their responses
Monday, November 11, 2019
Stretching and Activity
* Copy and answer the following questions in a word processing document. * Be sure to save the assignment document to your Personal Fitness folder. * Be sure to save your work as 2_04. rtf. Assignment Questions Part I: Beginning the Activity 1. Choose an activity such as walking, running, aerobics, soccer, basketball, or rollerblading. What exercise activity will you participate in? Running 2. Why is the warm-up phase of your training program important? It will stretch each major muscle group which will be worked during the activity you are preparing for. 3.Why is the cool-down phase of your training program important? Stretch all major muscles; focus on those that will have a large demand placed on them. 4. Identify areas of your body in which you have experienced muscle soreness due to vigorous activity. Legs and arms. Part II: Design a Warm-up for Your Personal Needs For each of the following, describe what you will do to prepare your body for the activity that you selected in Par t 1, #1. Aerobic exercise: Light jog, slow cycling, easy jump roping, side shuffles (running sideways without crossing your feet), skipping, and jogging backwards.Stretching (stretch all the major muscle groups used): ? Will involve static (still) stretches and/or dynamic (moving) stretches. * Static stretches involve stretching a muscle group as far as you can, without causing pain. Static stretches should be held thirty seconds for maximum effectiveness. * Dynamic stretches, another safe form of stretching, involves slow movements which stretch the muscle groups. Sport-specific exercise: Activities should mimic the movements you will do in the vigorous activity you are preparing for but are done at a lower level of intensity. Part III:Design a Cool-down for Your Personal Needs For each of the following, describe what you will do for your cool-down for the activity that you have selected. Aerobic activity: A slow jog around a field or court is one of the best ways to cool down. Str etching: Static stretch for 10 minutes after the light jogging, cycling, or walk. Recovery: Use the R. I. C. E. D. procedure to treat any sprains, bruises, or strains. Part IV: Practice What You Designed 1. Practice the warm-up you have designed. 2. Consider how the warm-up/cool-down made you feel. Did it help prepare you for the workout?What changes would you consider making for the next workout? Be prepared to discuss this information with your instructor in your Discussion-Based Assessment. It helped me prepare. I would change nothing. What I already I changed was great enough because of how well it made me feel. Part V: Skills and Performance 1. Think about an activity you participate in and explain how each of the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed can enhance your performance levels in that activity. If all the components are combined then you will get stronger, faster, and healthier.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Black Panthers
"We will not fightand kill other people of color in the world who, like black people, are being victimized by the white racist goverment of america." Huey P. Newton If you haven't already guessed it my essay is on a Civil Right's leader who's legacy has alternately been neglected, distorted, and discounted. For example in my research I found in one wide ranging account of the "African American freedom strugle" by historian Robert Weisbrot, that only one page out of 317 was devoted to the activities of the Black Panther Party. Another account would be in this class, where there was only a passing refrence to the presence of the party, that was established in our college. The most important person to have made a significant change in the rights of Blacks was Huey P. Newton. He had great courage and passion to defeat injustices and racism that existed in the United States towards blacks and other minority groups, and it was his influence to all the Blacks to defy white supremacy and his belief in arming themselves for self-defense that helped lead to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Huey P. Newton was born on Febuary 17, 1941 in Louisiana, the youngest of seven children. When Huey Newton was three, his family moved to Oakland. Where Walter Newton, a handyman and longshoreman, found work. The Newton's were part of the surge of 50,000 black migrants who headed to the West Coast to work in the shipyards and other war industries in the area. During World War II. After the war, however, many blacks and women were forced to give up their jobs to returning white soldiers. The black population of the area rose again as black GIs came back from the war fronts and brought their families. Black unemployment soared, as did antiblack sentiment. Although segregation was supposedly illegal, black residents of Oakland found themselves restricted to the neighborhoods around the East Bay. And... Free Essays on Black Panthers Free Essays on Black Panthers "We will not fightand kill other people of color in the world who, like black people, are being victimized by the white racist goverment of america." Huey P. Newton If you haven't already guessed it my essay is on a Civil Right's leader who's legacy has alternately been neglected, distorted, and discounted. For example in my research I found in one wide ranging account of the "African American freedom strugle" by historian Robert Weisbrot, that only one page out of 317 was devoted to the activities of the Black Panther Party. Another account would be in this class, where there was only a passing refrence to the presence of the party, that was established in our college. The most important person to have made a significant change in the rights of Blacks was Huey P. Newton. He had great courage and passion to defeat injustices and racism that existed in the United States towards blacks and other minority groups, and it was his influence to all the Blacks to defy white supremacy and his belief in arming themselves for self-defense that helped lead to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Huey P. Newton was born on Febuary 17, 1941 in Louisiana, the youngest of seven children. When Huey Newton was three, his family moved to Oakland. Where Walter Newton, a handyman and longshoreman, found work. The Newton's were part of the surge of 50,000 black migrants who headed to the West Coast to work in the shipyards and other war industries in the area. During World War II. After the war, however, many blacks and women were forced to give up their jobs to returning white soldiers. The black population of the area rose again as black GIs came back from the war fronts and brought their families. Black unemployment soared, as did antiblack sentiment. Although segregation was supposedly illegal, black residents of Oakland found themselves restricted to the neighborhoods around the East Bay. And...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
5 Number Problems
5 Number Problems 5 Number Problems 5 Number Problems By Mark Nichol 1. Number Collisions In the sentence ââ¬Å"The day the slain woman was to turn 28, 3,000 gathered at a church to recall her life,â⬠the proximity of her age (assuming it is styled numerically rather than spelled out) and the number of mourners confuses the eye. Readers may assume, before they comprehend the sense of the sentence, that the comma after her age and the following letter space are erroneous and that the digits belong in one figure. If the numerical style for the age is correct, revise the sentence to read, ââ¬Å"The day the slain woman was to turn 28, several thousand people gathered at a church to recall her life.â⬠(This distraction can also occur when a year, a room or building number, or any other numerical designation precedes a figure.) 2. Number Ranges Do not use the word from preceding a number range in which a dash (or, in this case, as employed often in newspapers and online, a hyphen) appears: ââ¬Å"The Korean War lasted from 1950-1953â⬠should read ââ¬Å"The Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953â⬠or ââ¬Å"The Korean War lasted 1950-1953.â⬠ââ¬Å"The class will be held from 7-10 p.m.â⬠is correctly expressed ââ¬Å"The class will be held from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.â⬠(the first p.m. may be elided) or ââ¬Å"The class will be held 7-10 p.m.â⬠3. Number Names When you employ specialized terms that include combinations of numbers or numbers and letters, be sure youââ¬â¢re typing them correctly. The term in ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s safe to open your 401K statement againâ⬠is correctly rendered 401(k). The designation for a certain nonprofit corporation sometimes incorrectly styled 501c3 or 501(c)3 should appear as 501(c)(3). 4. Numbers with Hyphenation Iââ¬â¢ve written about hyperhyphenation and hypohyphenation before (search this site for ââ¬Å"hyphensâ⬠for more posts on the topic), but these twin troubles persist, so I will, too: Pay attention when using hyphens in phrases involving numbers. No hyphens are necessary in ââ¬Å"The electrified fence is 10-feet-high,â⬠because ââ¬Å"10 feet highâ⬠is a simple description, not an adjectival phrase describing a noun that follows immediately (ââ¬Å"10-foot-high electrified fenceâ⬠is correct). One of those extra hyphens can be donated to the phrase ââ¬Å"21-year old world record,â⬠which refers not to an old world record consisting of 21 years (is that ââ¬Å"old world,â⬠as in ââ¬Å"old-world charmâ⬠?), but to a world record that is 21 years old. 5. Numbers and Currency Take care when making references to money: Redundant references such as ââ¬Å"The fine was set at $5 million dollarsâ⬠or ââ¬Å"I found $100 bucks in an old shoe boxâ⬠are common. Be consistent in one article or book about whether you use currency symbols or spell the terms out; the determination should be based on the level of formality (currency terms are usually spelled out in more formal writing) weighed against the frequency of occurrence (numerous and/or technical references to money are best presented with symbols). Keep in mind, too, that use of the dollar sign is ubiquitous, but the cent sign is rare, so if reference is made separately to dollars and cents, itââ¬â¢s best to spell out both terms: ââ¬Å"In 1960, the candy bar cost 5 cents; by the beginning of the twenty-first century, it sold for a dollar.â⬠Also, avoid using numerals for orders of magnitude. The figure in ââ¬Å"The binary star is more than 57,000,000,000,000 miles from Earthâ⬠is difficult to read, as is the total in ââ¬Å"The budget was 5,666,943,643 dollars.â⬠In the first example, use the term of magnitude: ââ¬Å"The binary star is more than 57 trillion miles from Earth.â⬠Use the same approach for the monetary figure, which is unnecessarily precise; multidigit references to currency are often rounded off at two decimals past the degree of magnitude. ââ¬Å"The budget was 5.66 billion dollars.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Meetingâ⬠50 Idioms About Fruits and Vegetables20 Ways to Cry
Monday, November 4, 2019
Assignment #3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assignment #3 - Research Paper Example For men of the medieval age, there were only two types of women, the blessed ideal and the woman of the world. While the Wife of Bath is worldly in the true sense of the word whichever way it is interpreted, the Knightââ¬â¢s Tale illustrates peripherally the ideal of womanhood as it is represented in the figure of the Amazonian princess Emily, sister to Hippolyta and sister-in-law to Theseus. The differences between the ways in which these women are portrayed are vast, not just in the types of women they represent, but also in the method through which their stories are related. An example of the change in voices can be seen in a comparison of the Knightââ¬â¢s Tale and the tale of the Wife of Bath. The knight, a man of great wealth, reputation and honor, fills his speech with the courtly manners and chivalric actions that are a central part of his world. His story is full of the importance of honor and oath-taking among men of the nobility. Theseus swears to hold the two nobles Arcite and Palamon prisoner forever, but changes his mind upon the pleading of a friend for the one and the noble escape of the other. Arcite and Palamon swear brotherhood forever, but quickly forget this oath when they each fall in love with Emily. In this sense, Chaucer exposes the hypocrisy of such oaths in the face of the chivalric conception of love, regardless of the knightââ¬â¢s conception of these actions as of the highest nobility. In the Knightââ¬â¢s Tale, Chaucer defends the ideal of womanhood in a courtly story of love endured, fought for and finally won. Throughout the story, the object of affections is the innocent Emily, sister to Hippolyta who is wife to Prince Theseus. Emily is described as a perfectly chaste maiden, going about the typical activities of a well-bred girl, collecting flowers, walking or simply moving about the house.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Hunt for Red October Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Hunt for Red October - Movie Review Example Many captains have been coached by Ramius, and now, Ramius has gained the charge of Red October ââ¬â the advanced submarine. Red October is special because it does not make any noise and yet, can be driven faster as compared to all ships under water. The sub vanishes after it has been once detected by the American intelligence upon its departure from the Soviet shipyard. This instigates a serious hide-and-seek game in the region of North Atlantic with the mobilization of the whole Soviet navy. The Soviets wanted Americans to think of Ramius as a person with lost senses that aims at hiding the Red October and target either Washington or New York for the nuclear missile attacks. Therefore, they seek help from the US Navy in finding and demolishing the Red October, though Ryan does not accede to their proposal because he thinks of it as a blunder. Accordingly, Ryan conveys the approach of Ramius to the superior. In this film, the audience has to make predictions for the underlying c auses of actions of Ramius quite often. The original novel written by Clancy from which the plot of this movie has been derived took a lot of time to develop the complexity of the plot whereas this has been achieved by the movie in much lesser time, even though, the clarity of expression has not been compromised upon. This is one of the strengths of this movie. In order to develop the plot of their stories in the Cold War era, a vast majority of the military thrillers made use of crude motivations and stereotyping. The Hunt for Red October contains a strong element of fun in that it tells that men can very easily go wrong, and that assumptions can be both false and seductive. Ryan spends too little time with Ramius to gain a rational understanding of his personality. Ryanââ¬â¢s knowledge about the personality of Ramius is based totally upon his meeting with Ramius on the dining table. All of the rest is exaggeration and skilled hunches. The previous movies by McTiernan that inclu de Die Hard and Predator projected both accurate timing and a good sense of style, though in The Hunt for Red October, McTiernan has projected the detached intelligence just like the one that Clancy had inculcated in the novel. There is much more than mere thrill in the movie. It essentially portrays a military exercise in which each and every action of the players is calculated and is not without a purpose. This movie contains a lot of speaking roles apart from the cast members that were hired only for one or two scenes. Typecasting plays a very important role in any movie with such a large cast. In this movie, McTieman has totally typecast and has not stereotyped. Sean Connery goes perfect with the role of Ramius, and his Scots accent makes him deviate a lot from a typical movie Soviet. Baldwin looks like a leader, but his character seems dialed down in the persona of a deck-bound bureaucrat who finds it hard to realize that he has entered the field exercise. Scott Glenn is more t alented than the conventional movie skippers. A lot of credibility of the movie can be attributed to its production design. Submarines in The Hunt for Red October are much glossier on the inside than what they are in the real life submarines, though the shots of underwater exterior are not at all impressive. The filmmakers have made use of various submarine models in order to portray the behemoths moving in the sea. Owing to the fact that a submarineââ¬â¢s exterior is not generally photogenic, these shots rather
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Swot analysis for passaic court house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Swot analysis for passaic court house - Essay Example It examines, in detail these aspects of my organization, and identifies how the organization can use this strength in advancing its objectives. Under the internal analysis, this paper also identifies the weaknesses of the Passaic Court House. It gives in detail, how the organization can use this information to reduce the threats that might emanate from its own weaknesses. This paper also gives an in-depth discussion on how the employees at the Passaic court house can use the resources at their disposal to achieve the goals and objectives of the business organization. The departments under review are the office of the prosecutor, the human resource department, Finance and Accounting, and the management office. This paper also analyzes the external environment of the Passaic Court House. The analysis includes the opportunities and the threats the organization faces. In analyzing the external environment in which the Passaic Court House operates, this paper takes into consideration the the demographic, and the economic environment. This paper analyzes how these factors create opportunities and threats to the affairs of the Passaic Court House. This paper provides recommendations that could help the organization to take advantage of the opportunities it has, and reduce the threats it faces. It outlines how these actions will work, and the process of implementing them at the Passaic Court House. The Passaic court house has the ability to attract highly skilled and competent staff. This is a major strength of the business organization, and it is made possible because of the human resource policies of the organization.
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